The Mother of Black Hollywood by Jennifer Lewis

  • Genre- Memoir

  • Reading Dates- 5/23/20- 5/24/20

  • Rating- 5 Stars

Notable Quotes:

”We all must be careful in becoming a damn fool”

”shoulders back, titties first”

”love yourself so that love will not be a stranger when it comes”

”peace of mind and trying to do good deeds can’t stop some f***** up s*** from coming around the corner right into your life.”

General Feelings- Baby I had no idea! Jennifer Lewis is a national treasure.

Review Dates: 5/23-5/24/2020

Review: (Shoulder’s Back, Titties First Edition)

Jennifer definitely told her truth in this book… Abuse, living in poverty, parental issues, coping,Mental health, and sexuality (that’s just a brief synopsis of some of the issues you will see) The ins and outs of Hollywood. My favorite part definitely was the honest journal entries… The relationship lessons definitely eye opening and she got real when she talked about men not prioritizing her and why she would not just settle for a ring… Baby she has 4! Actions speak louder than words! If you like memoirs and reading or listening to others stories who live in their own truth… Read this book! (I read along while listening to the audio to immerse myself in this experience.)


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