All Boys Aren’t Blue by MJ Johnson
Genres: Memoir Manifesto
Reading Dates: 5/21/2020-5/22/2020
Rating: 4 Stars
Notable Quotes:
We all deserve more than the ability just to exist!
Review: (Lei Edition)
Hey, y’all! I’m coming to you with a sure-fire review of the beautiful work that is All Boys Aren’t Blue. First, I will start by saying that this book is an amazing debut and coming of age story that I feel is needed in society today that deals with finding an identity and reclaiming self-worth in a society that often disregards and does not respect differences in others. This book gave me insight and made me reflect on my own truth when teaching students who often do not see or value themselves until they are adults. Although it is labeled YA I definitely think it is suitable for adults as well who are interested in understanding and help breakdown barriers that often hinder others’ understanding of the LGBTQ community. I loved how the author broke down different terminology that will help students who do and don’t identify better understand themselves and others… My favorite part had to be the conversation about his brother and Nana. Please run out and pick this up… Put self aside and learn to empathize with people who are different from you.