Rabbit by Patrica Williams

Rabbit by Patricia Williams

  • Genre: Autobiography

  • Reading Dates: March 2-3, 2020

  • Rating- 5 Stars

Notable Quotes:

“In my mind, there were only two things a girl could be: a virgin or a hoe”

General Feeling: Baby what in the world did I just read! I know you “insert curse word here” lying!


This book! This book! This book! When you read this book you are going to question whether or not this is really someone’s life. It’s shocking, heartbreaking, inspiring, and jaw dropping! Patricia Williams told her truth and did not leave anything out! Can I really give trigger warnings out on an autobiography? I laughed, I emphasized, but I appreciated her truth and loved the way she pieced together this crazy wild ride of a life through her storytelling. It was provocative at moments but not to the point of being explicit. I experienced this on audio and it felt like I was listening to a close friend telling me the ”tea” about her life. This is a story I will never forget! Y’all put this on your radar quick fast and in a hurry! Patricia bears her soul in this book… I am still thinking about this book days later because of the amount of emphathy I feel for her younger self… She was literally stripped of her childhood and thrown to the wolves so the streets had to raise her. 


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