Stay With Me by Ayobami Adebayo

  • Genre: Fiction

  • Reading Dates: 4/19/2020-4/21/2020

  • Rating: 3.5 Stars

Review: (Unpopular Opinion Fight Me Review)

In my search for books outside of my own culture I ran into this one! Did I like it?…yes… Was it my favorite?… Nope. I have sat on this review for a minute because I wanted to give y’all a true and honest review! This story was one that would call for a great book club chat! The whole thing with infertility and the relationships blew me away and you go down that rabbit hole of can Yedije’s luck get any worse. I rolled my eyes so many times I’m surprised they are still in my head… But as you can see I’m still here to tell my story! Lol This is still one of those stories with the underlying message that most men ain’t really worth two pennies rubbed together… So I’m leaving this a generous ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 rating (and for those of you that gave it 5 stars… Fight me lol


Kindred by Mother Octavia Butler


Rabbit by Patrica Williams